Many people think that they make a six figure income in a short timeframe and suddenly grow their list will have multitudes of followers and friends when they start a networking marketing effort. have had many clients and prospective customers who think that within 3 months, they need to be in salt and think that if am unable to make that happen for them, not worth my weight in that class. This type of thinking is the fault of so called online gurus who make such ridiculous guarantees and neglect to mention the sums of money and time they invest so as to come up with such numbers which may or might not be manufactured.
In order to achieve that, personalities that have developed their followings and lists but they have worked. They add something, post in their Facebook page, do not just put out 3 tweets each day and rest on their laurels. They do not spend 20 minutes a day. Building a social Media existence is like growing a garden. It requires a plan addition of nutrients fertilizer, and addressing bugs and garden predators so as to reap a harvest of veggies, fruits or flowers. Love gardening and love websites so it makes sense that they require approaches that are similar.
Even today in the Northern hemisphere where it is still winter, gardeners are thumbing through their seed catalogs, determining their requirements and ordering their seeds. They might already have harvested, dried and saved seeds from last year’s harvest think heirloom tomatoes which will be utilized in this year’s garden. Those in the southern hemisphere may be ordering trees, bulbs and tubers. If these folks do not have a backyard, they will have to plan where to place it so that it is suitable, has good drainage and will get the amount of sunlight. They will have to find out what kinds of foods they like to eat that their work is not without benefit and which bushes, trees or plants grow in their own climate.
In media terms that are social, this means analyzing which sort of businesses have a tendency to hang out there and each networking platform. Who are your client and media platforms are the most utilized by them? Which social media Platforms are more likely to be utilized and resonate with you? Twitter confuses some people; others are bored by LinkedIn and the numerous changes of Facebook infuriate others. So pick the ones that you will use. Again, the most important thing is not to plan anything more than you can manage. Choose two in the most and focus on learning and developing those social media platforms. As you see fit, you can add another.